Kirby School District will offer a 100% online option for the 2020 – 2021 school year. All students who reside in the school district boundaries or have an approved school choice application will be eligible to enroll in the Kirby Virtual Academy (KVA). This program is available for all students K – 12th grade.
KVA will use a curriculum that includes a variety of teaching and learning methods. Students will be required to meet with teachers virtually during scheduled times in an online classroom environment that includes other students. KVA teachers will also schedule frequent opportunities to communicate with individuals or smaller groups of students via phone or video calls in order to maintain social and emotional connections, work on group projects, or help build understanding of key concepts. At other times students will participate in self-guided lessons and modules, watch recorded video content, use virtual libraries, read and study posted lecture notes, complete project based learning activities, and exchange thoughts and ideas on discussion boards.
Students who enroll in KVA must be totally enrolled in KVA. All ACADEMIC classes available to KVA students will be delivered online. KVA students will be allowed to participate in extracurricular activities.
Unlike the 2019- 2020 spring semester virtual learning, KVA will offer a much more robust and comprehensive curriculum and students will be held accountable. Attendance will be taken and grades will be given. The curriculum will be comparable to material taught in a traditional setting. The amount of time spent completing school work and receiving instruction will vary by grade level. Some grade levels can expect to devote approximately 4 hours per day to learning that might include digital interaction with teachers and other students, independent work, and product development.
This learning model is not best suited for all students. Students who will be successful in this program must possess the following qualities:
- Self-motivated
-Independent learner
-Computer literate student or parent
-Good time management skills
-Effective communicator
-Personal commitment to learning
-Academic readiness
Kirby School District will provide each student a district issued Chromebook device, if required. Families who choose this option will be required to have a reliable internet connection.