Bee mine
Bee thine
Today’s lesson was about kindness, especially the impact it has on mental health.
February 14th-20th is National Random Acts of Kindness week. We are committed to celebrating this with our students! Stay tuned to more activities in the following week!
What are random acts of kindness? Sending kind notes, donations, giving compliments, and making efforts to do the right thing.
DID YOU KNOW that Queen Bees produce pheromones that can indirectly impact the mood and behavior of their colonies? If a queen is stressed or unwell, her workers can be MOODY. That stings! Watch yourself and how you lead and treat others. What is the temperament of your “hive?” Are you part of the problem?
Students made kindness bracelets to share with others. Each grade matched with another class they do not normally spend time with and exchanged the bracelets. It was a good opportunity to be brave, make introductions, and make new friends.
Shout out to Kindergarten for posing!
Happy Valentines Day, and happy weekend!
Mrs. Melissa