Today we talked about the “ingredients” of a true friend! We used real cupcake ingredients as our examples.

Flour - bulk of friendship. The things you have in common, the shared experiences you have that make you grow closer: teams, groups, camp. Bonds. Trust.

Milk/water- go with the flow. They take you as you are, and usually go with you! They make things smoother in life! Flexibility!

Egg- sticking together. The binding ingredient. Also, it helps us RISE when we may otherwise fall flat. Support.

Vanilla- always bitter

Salt- always salty

Sugar- always sweet

(Too much of this can ruin the whole batter! Be real, but not fake. Be honest, but not rude. Be careful how much you give or take!)

Friends mix it up with us and go through the fire with us. If done right, friendship can be pretty sweet!


The kids decorated their own cupcakes, sprinkled with a little friendship characteristics that are important to us!