
Don’t be Crabby! 

This week, we talked about the warning signs of Depression in kids. 

🦀 If you experience: Sadness, IRRITABILITY, Defensive, Hopelessness, Loneliness, Unmotivated, Withdrawing from family/friends, etc. You might be struggling with depression. 

🦀 Depression can cause physical pain, illness, poor sleep hygiene, eating disturbances, and chronic health problems. 

🦀 We learned about the difference in Persistent Depressive Disorder, and Major Depressive Episodes. 

🦀 We talked about the importance of tears: Crying can produce endorphins, pain relief, and emotional regulation. Ever feel tired after a good cry? It’s our body’s response to all of the hormones that crying produces! Listen to it, and take care of yourself! 

🦀 We learned about the ABC model, a cognitive behavioral therapy technique that is often used in reducing depressive thinking. In a nutshell, challenging the way we THINK about things can actually help us improve behaviors and function. 

🦀 Bottom line, if your fishing line is tangled up, you have to go all the way back to the original root of the problem. Sometimes digging through the “stuff” that causes depression can take years. Be patient with yourself, and be patient with others. It will all sort out in time! You can still live a good life, even if you have a Depressive Disorder! 

🦀 PS- your kids are going to teach you how to crab dance! 😉