We want to personally thank all of the families who have already participated in our SchoolStore fundraiser! We are on our way to reaching our goal, but we need everyone’s help to make sure our teachers get the essential tools they need to help our students succeed.
If your family hasn’t participated, there’s still time!
This safe and easy fundraiser is 100% online so there is no face-to-face selling, collecting money, or delivering products. Participation only takes 12 minutes and your child will win fun and exciting prizes. Every student will receive a prize, just for participating. More prizes will be rewarded when goals are reached. Directions are located in the envelope sent home with your child.
Please help! It really will make a difference.
Go to to show our valued teachers your support.
Kirby Elementary School
PS: Family participation is the key to our success! Participants can shop online with the merchants/retailers through SchoolStore and the school will get a percentage for every purchase made throughout the school year. There are several great merchants/retailers partnered with SchoolStore you can choose from.